Welcome, Im Goddess Shala

  • Lets Normalize Healing again. I know it can be confusing to even know where to start when it comes to healing. Cases of depression, anxiety, and mental health issues have been on the rise even more since COVID. & I realize people need/want to make a change but dont know how? so thats where I come in to make your life easier. My name Is Goddess Shala and I am your healing coach. I will guide you step by step with journals, Where to reach me and more offers . I make it easy, fun and affordable to do the work it takes to live the life you desire. From journals and coaching session videos personalized just for you, to other digital products showing you to make residual income and learn new things.

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  • Veganisim

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  • Lets Stay Connected

    Check me out on Linktree! I post life hacks, New links to everything I do so you stay updated to all I have to offer

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